Most of you have never met my team here in Malawi and are probably wondering what is going to happen with the ministry while my family will go on sabbatical. You may just want to know who are the ones who help us every single day, what are their names, roles and responsibilities.
In this article I want to introduce to you Stanley and Doreen Thawe.

Stanley (37) and his wife, Doreen (31), are the longest serving members of our team. Together they have 3 children: Happy, Praise and Promise. They have one more in heaven, Ovi.
Stanley is the local director of Hope for the Future and his general responsibilities includes the overall supervision of the work. His job is to make sure everyone else is doing their job. He organizes and ensures the Evangelistic and Sports Camps are efficient. He calls the national pastors for the meetings and conferences. He is the local contact person and the man who deals with most of the administrative issues, like paying the bills or taxes. Stanley is also the principal of Hope for the Future Primary School in Kachere and the signatory of the organization’s bank account, responsibility which enables him to distribute the funds and pay the salaries while I am away.
To best describe Stanley’s job I would say he is my right hand guy here in Malawi. All important things happen with him next to me.
Doreen is a wonderful and dedicated woman, a true and important help for Stanley but also the entire ministry. Doreen is the head cook for every aspect of the ministry: Evangelistic Camps, Bible School, Pastor’s Conferences, etc. In the past she used to teach children at the Bible Clubs, role now taken by another member of our team, Misozi.
Stanley and Doreen, together with their beautiful children, live at the mission compound day and night. They ensure the offices are open and the mission house is ready to receive guests and visitors.
Stanley has always worked with me as a translator but he is also gifted as a teacher and singer. Today, Stanley and Samuel (another member of our team) work together and translate all the materials we use in the local language.
You can read about the rest of the team by clicking on the following names: Misozi, Samuel & Linesi, Tendai.
You can read about our upcoming sabbatical leave here: Sabbatical.