Most of you who receive our English Prayer Letters know by now that we’ve been hard at work preparing all the paperwork and following the process needed in order to obtain US citizenship for our children: Jessica, Aimee & Ethan.
The process started sometimes in May 2019 and right now we have the interview date set for March 23 this year. We will have to appear before a US Citizenship and Immigration Services officer in WI. If all goes well – and we believe all will go well – our children will go to the US as Romanian citizens and return back as Romanian/US citizens.

We believe that getting US citizenship for our children is, first and foremost, their right; we’re not requesting citizenship, but asking the US Government to recognize what’s already true. Secondly, this is very important for their future, as it will open many more doors for study, work or ministry.
As of right now, our scheduled arrival in the US is March 5th. We plan on visiting with friends and family, see some supporting churches along the way and, of course, attend the interview in Milwaukee, WI.
Would you continue to pray for us as we embark on this journey? This is very important to us as a family and we need your support. If the Lord leads you to help us with the expenses – for it is quite costly – you can donate either through your church, through PayPal or online using the form below.
As this will be our very first trip to the US – as a family – please join us on Facebook as we enjoy the beautiful America! Our kids are extremely excited and can hardly wait!!!