Major storm damage in Mpyupyu 😭

A few days ago, I received devastating news from Mpyupyu: a powerful storm – described by locals as a “whirlwind” and likely a tornado – swept through the area, destroying both our church and feeding center. These facilities are at the heart of our ministry and the community. The feeding center provides daily meals for 65 orphans, and the church serves as a spiritual home for over 200 believers.

What makes this loss even harder is that we completed the church building less than six months ago. It was a beautiful sanctuary where the light of the Gospel shone brightly in an otherwise spiritually dark place.

Mpyupyu has long been a cornerstone of God’s work through Hope for the Future. In 2009, we launched our first Bible School here. Over the years, as the church grew, we built several structures, culminating in this most recent church, designed to welcome up to 400 believers.

This village holds countless stories of God’s faithfulness. Remember Siyeni? He’s one of the orphans we care for, a young man who experienced miraculous healing from a devastating illness. If you haven’t yet read his inspiring story of God’s mercy and grace, I encourage you to do so: Siyeni – a story of faithfulness.

In addition, we’ve organized evangelistic camps, outreach events, baptisms, and provided life-changing assistance. When local Muslims once barred Christians from using the village’s only well, God made a way for us to drill a new well for the church. Today, it’s the only working well in the entire village, serving everyone – regardless of faith – as a powerful testimony to God’s provision and love: Water well for Mpyupyu.

We’re also helping 156 children attend school, offering them not a handout, but a hand up – a hand up out of poverty and into a brighter future.

The pastor of Hope Baptist Church, Pastor Simion, continues to lead with incredible dedication. Not only does he strengthen the local believers, but he also takes the Gospel to unreached areas, planting new churches and expanding God’s kingdom.

Rebuilding these vital spaces will cost an estimated $17,000. We’ll work with a professional builder, alongside local labor, to ensure the community directly benefits from the reconstruction process.

This is a chance to restore hope and rebuild what was lost. Will you join us in this effort? Your support can make an eternal impact in Mpyupyu.

Will you pray for this need? Pray the believers in Mpyupyu stay strong in their faith during this challenging time. Pray that the enemy gains no ground from this setback and that God’s glory shines even brighter through this trial.

Will you consider helping us rebuild? As always, you can donate with confidence on this website, using the form below. We accept checks, direct bank wires, PayPal and Zelle. I have also started a GoFundMe page, which can be found here: Help us rebuild in Mpyupyu.

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