Today we resumed the classes here at the Tom Gentry Bible Training Center in Zomba, Malawi, Africa. This time around, we don’t have foreign teachers here and I am not doing the teaching either, but we’re using recorded lessons done by some good teachers: Micheal, Danny and Nate.
So far, the students seem to enjoy them and they should, the quality of the lessons are just as high.
The lessons this week are: Common Grace, Election & Reprobation, Gospel Call and Effective Calling, Doctrine of Salvation – Regeneration, Conversion, Justification, Adoption, Sanctification, Filling of the Holy Spirit, Perseverance of the Saints, Death and the Intermediate State, Glorification, Union with Christ, The Church, Doctrine of the Church, Marks of a Healthy Church, Purity and Unity of the Church, Baptism, Lord’s Supper, Worship and Spiritual Gifts.
As you can see, there is a lot of good stuff for them this week, that is why we are asking you to pray for them; pray not only for learning and understanding, but also for true wisdom so they can apply everything they learn to their lives and ministry.