When I wrote about the ordination of Jonah Kaipa, I mentioned that 2 more of our outgoing students from the Bible School will be pastors soon: Rafael Chikwati, of whom I wrote already, and now Burnet Maganizo.
Burnet comes from the village of Makandanje, where pastor Katerere is leading the church. As you know, pastor Katerere was born in Nasedegu and he is the one who first introduced me to this village but he also knows many of the other villages surrounding Nasedegu. One of these villages is called “Salim” and pastor Katerere had a family walking from Salim all the way to his church, a distance “crossing 6 villages and 6 chiefs” (according to the way this family described it). This was a long distance and the husband and the wife of the family are not young anymore.

Because of the training Burnet received at our Tom Gentry Bible Training Centre, pastor Katerere decided that now is the right time to plant a church in this village of Salim, where no other churches or missionaries exist at this time. Just like in Nasedegu, in Salim there is only a mosque.
Salim is several villages away from Nasedegu and a perfect place where we could plant a church. Pray for Burnet and for the hard task he has ahead of him, to plant a new church in a village where the Gospel has not really penetrated yet.
Be in prayer for pastor Katerere, a dedicated man of God, always looking for villages and places where there is a need to plant a church. Pastor Katerere is a result of the Pastors Conferences and Pastors Meetings we’ve organized since 2013. At these important meetings he has learned many good things, including about the need to expand the reach of the Gospel in this nation of Malawi.
To all of you who are praying for the work with the pastors and students: thank you! The ministry is growing like never before and more and more nationals are getting involved in this important goal of reaching Malawi for Jesus!