“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” Bible.
The work with the orphans in Africa started 12 years ago, on July 23, 2012.
We began helping these kids when I was informed of the sudden passing of one of the children in Kachere. The girl died of starvation in a place where we had planted a church. The news shocked me, and I promised the Lord to do something that would help the most unprivileged children in the villages where we work. I truly felt, and still feel, that I was called to be His mouth, hands, and feet for these little ones.
In the beginning we had 17 orphans and, at our highest, we took care of 230. Today, in 2025, we have 2 Feeding Centers where we feed 164 children, orphans of both parents, twice per day. That’a total of 330 meals every day or well over 100,000 meals served every year!
In addition to physical food, we give them spiritual food by teaching them a short Bible lesson every day. Their eternal life with Jesus is our main goal, but we understand that no one can listen to the Gospel on an empty stomach.
The cost to feed a child is $35/month. This provides 2 meals per day, from Monday to Saturday.
We’ve estimated that every child has at least 1 meal at home, with their relatives. Sunday is day off for our staff but we do prepare food for the kids in times of great need (hunger season, natural disasters, etc.)
These orphans do not sleep at our facility, as each of them have at least a relative to stay with. Their greatest need is not for housing, but for food.
We invite you to be a part of this amazing ministry that literally saves and changes lives. You can “adopt” from a distance by supporting one or more children. Give using the form below or go to our giving page.