Most of you have never met my team here in Malawi and are probably wondering what is going to happen with the ministry while my family will go on sabbatical. You may just want to know who are the ones who help us every single day, what are their names, roles and responsibilities.
In this article I want to introduce to you Misozi Sitolo.

Misozi (in translation “tears“) has been working with Hope for the Future for a very long time, even before our family came here 11 years ago. Today she is 27 years old, married with Stefano and expecting a baby.
Misozi’s responsibilities revolve around the children’s ministry. She has been trained to work with children and she has extensive experience with them. Misozi leads the Bible clubs we have in different villages around Zomba. Every week she meets with these children and, in the 1-1.5 hours she spends with them, they learn new songs, games and hear the Gospel taught through different Bible lessons for children.
Due to her current situation – expecting a baby – we have reduced her other responsibilities, but in the future she will learn how to type on a computer so she can help the rest of the team in the translation work.
Although her main part of the ministry is “only” the work with the Bible clubs, I want to emphasize that she plays a very important role in the entire work here in Malawi. Some of these Bible clubs can number more than 200 children every single day and these children are our open doors to reach the adults. In every village where we plant new churches, we work with the children first and then, and through them, we can reach the adults and plant and grow a church. Misozi not only leads children to Christ but also helps the rest of us start and build a church.
You can read about the rest of the team by clicking on the following names: Stanley & Doreen, Samuel & Linesi, Tendai.
You can read about our upcoming sabbatical leave here: Sabbatical.