Most of you have never met my team here in Malawi and are probably wondering what is going to happen with the ministry while my family will go on sabbatical. You may just want to know who are the ones who help us every single day, what are their names, roles and responsibilities.
In this article I want to introduce to you Tendai Kilowe.

Tendai (32) joined our team in March 2016, working as a translator for the ladies work as well as with the children. She is married to Dalitso (35) and, together, they have 3 children: Vivien (14), Eugene (8) and Laura (2).
Tendai’s main responsibilities have to do with the work with orphans in Kachere and Mpyupyu. On a weekly basis, she visits the 2 Feeding Centres and makes sure the work is going smoothly. At the office, she helps with the translation work, both on a computer as well as for our ladies visitors. Tendai is our only translator for the Pastors’ Wives Conferences.
At our Feeding Centres in Kachere and Mpyupyu, Tendai also visits the 173 orphans and learns about their current challenges. When a child moves away from the village, she makes sure a replacement is found ASAP.
Every Wednesday, both Tendai and Misozi work with close to 300 children in the villages of Bwanali and Nasedegu, teaching them the Word of God.
You can read about the rest of the team by clicking on the following names: Stanley & Doreen, Misozi, Samuel & Linesi.
You can read about our upcoming sabbatical leave here: Sabbatical.