Bible School. Graduation year 5

I am so happy to announce that the 5th year Bible School students have just graduated and are ready to go out and work for Jesus!!!

From the beginning of the Bible School, in Nov. 2018, a total of 73 students have graduated.

They began on Dec. 4, 2022, and have graduated yesterday, Nov. 12, 2023. These are 14 young men who have completed all the requirements and have been prepared to go plant churches and take the Gospel to new places.

The 5th generation of students.

Mission statement, vision, objective and the plan for this ministry: Tom Gentry Bible Training Center.

Graduation of the 1st generation of students. Nov. 10, 2019. 16 students.
Graduation of the 2nd generation of students. Nov. 14, 2020. 15 students.
Graduation of the 3rd generation of students. Jan. 15, 2022 (for 2021 generation). 14 students.
Graduation of the 4th generation of students. Dec. 3, 2022. 14 students.
Graduation of the 5th generation of students. Nov. 12, 2023. 14 students.

Next month, in December, the 6th generation of students will start their year of school. Lord willing, they will graduate at the end of 2024.

Read Pastor Keith’s article on this event: Malawi, Day 5, November 12, 2023.
Read his article on the following day: Malawi, Day 6, November 13, 2023.

To God be the glory!!!

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