Hope Baptist Church, Nasedegu. Then and Now.

Hope Baptist Church, Nasedegu. Then and Now.

With great joy I announce today that the building for our church in Nasedegu is completed. The whole construction process has been a rollercoaster, but we were blessed with dedicated men and women from the village who stayed faithful and continued to help through any circumstances. The first time I… Continue reading…



“And He said to them, ‘Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.’ For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.“ Mark 6:31 Dear faithful ministry partners, after 11 years of full-time ministry here on the continent of… Continue reading…

Hope Baptist Church, Ntoliwa

Hope Baptist Church, Ntoliwa

Today Stanley, Samuel and I visited a new church, in a village called Ntoliwa. This is part of a district called Phalombe. We have been working with pastor Macfreson Mokowa for more than 1 year now but I have not yet visited them, due to the work with the new… Continue reading…

Help us rebuild the church in 7

Hope Baptist Church, 7

In the beginning of this month Malawi was hit by some powerful winds and heavy rains. Later on, that strange weather phenomenon developed into what now is known as the Tropical Cyclone “Idai”. Many homes, gardens and some churches collapsed or were severely affected. Exactly that is the situation with… Continue reading…

Hope Baptist Church, Sitima

Hope Baptist Church, Sitima

Today we visited a church in the village of Sitima, where pastor Chinthalo is serving his people. Sitima is located in a remote area, 50 minutes driving distance from town, off the main road, off a dirt road and even off a bicycle path. In many places the grass has… Continue reading…

Ministry updates

Hope for the Future

It has been several months since my last update on this blog. Several factors played a role: time, tiredness, very slow internet, etc, many times all three at the same time. It is now mid-November and we just had our last short term mission team for this year and I… Continue reading…

Hope Baptist Church, Likangala

Hope Baptist Church, Likangala

Today we visited again our church in the village of Likangala and we were blessed to be in fellowship with these sweet Brothers and Sisters of ours and with our Lord. The church service was short because the roof has not been installed yet and the sun was beating down… Continue reading…

Hope Baptist Church, Milepa

Hope Baptist Church, Milepia

Every day is a new experience in Africa, or that is what I keep telling everyone that visits us. Mondays to Saturdays, we find new challenges but it seems like on Sundays, all these challenges have, all of a sudden, new proportions. The devil is fighting hard to discourage us, to slow… Continue reading…


Happy New Year, 2017

It is the end of the year, actually it is the very last day of 2016 and, just like almost everybody else, I am also thinking about what we have done and what could’ve been done. More than anything else, we are looking back and counting the so many blessing… Continue reading…