By God’s grace here we are again, with another graduation at our Tom Gentry Bible Training Center. This is the 4th generation of students and they have started in January of 2022. 16 young men started back in January and 14 have reached the end and are now on their path to serve the Lord in Africa and beyond.
From the beginning of the Bible School, in Nov. 2018, a total of 59 students have graduated.
Mission statement, vision, objective and the plan for this ministry: Tom Gentry Bible Training Center.
Graduation of the 1st generation of students. Nov. 10, 2019. 16 students.
Graduation of the 2nd generation of students. Nov. 14, 2020. 15 students.
Graduation of the 3rd generation of students. Jan. 15, 2022 (for 2021 generation). 14 students.
Graduation of the 4th generation of students. Dec. 3, 2022. 14 students.
Due to the fact we are on furlough for 3 months, we are not able to be there in person. However, pastor Keith and the team from GA were on the field and I was able to attend via Facetime. To God be the glory!
These students are going out to work! You can read about the latest church plant by one of the students who graduated in the past: New church plant in Katunga 2.
Tomorrow, Sunday, the 5th generation of students will start and, Lord willing, they will graduate in Nov. 2023. The ministry goes forward by God’s grace and your generosity! Thank you!!!