Wedding in Malawi

On March 17 this year, a young and beautiful couple from Romania will have their wedding in Malawi, at our church in Zomba, where Brother Kadwale is the pastor.

Dani and Denisa said YES to God last year, when they decided to come to Malawi as part of a mission team. Here, on the mission field, they understood that God had arranged their destinies and now they want to say YES to each other in the same place where they first served together.

As a testament to their burning love for God, their wedding will be a special and different wedding for the glory of God and the salvation of the lost. Instead of receiving money as gifts – as per Romanian customs – Dani and Denisa will give a meal for the poor. Instead of them being in the center of attention – though they deserve it on their wedding day – they have asked me to preach the Gospel. There will be many people curious about this “white man’s wedding”, but Dani and Denisa want us to use this opportunity to turn people’s attention to the Savior.

Instead of a honeymoon in exotic locations, Dani and Denisa want to stay and volunteer with Hope for the Future, putting their time, money and talents at God’s disposal!

I thank God for these two and pray that their whole lives will be lived with purpose, for the Lord!

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