Mission Trip Testimony – Dani Zaharie

For more than 8 years I wanted to go to Africa. Each time something came up that I thought was more important and it has changed my plan. This year I decided to get involved in serving people who have greater needs than me. I couldn’t imagine that in the year 2024, people and children could be living in abject poverty. The big surprise is that people in Africa are very selfless and content with what they have.

I met a little girl of a few years of age to whom I gave a cookie. She ran fast to her siblings and family with whom she shared the received cookie. We forget to empathize, to share with the ones in need, we hoard more and more thinking we will be happy. In fact, happiness lies in a grateful attitude towards the One who gives us everything. God is the essence of life.

I am glad for the experience I had in Malawi, in one of the poorest countries in the world. I have learned to be content and thankful with everything I have.

Everything we have, everything we are is the merit and love of God.

I am thankful to those who have served me and with whom together I have been able to be of service to the ministry “Hope for the Future”.

I will certainly come back!

Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

Ephesians 5:20
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