Hope Baptist Church, Nasedegu. Then and Now.

With great joy I announce today that the building for our church in Nasedegu is completed. The whole construction process has been a rollercoaster, but we were blessed with dedicated men and women from the village who stayed faithful and continued to help through any circumstances. The first time I… Continue reading…

Interns: John & Austin

John & Austin

For the next 1 month we’re going to enjoy the company of 2 dedicated young men, John and Austin, who came with the GA team and stayed behind to help us a bit more. Both of them have been here before; John has been coming since 2014 and Austin since… Continue reading…


“And He said to them, ‘Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.’ For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.“ Mark 6:31 Dear faithful ministry partners, after 11 years of full-time ministry here on the continent of… Continue reading…

Bible School – Week 5

Today we resumed the classes here at the Tom Gentry Bible Training Center in Zomba, Malawi, Africa. This time around, we don’t have foreign teachers here and I am not doing the teaching either, but we’re using recorded lessons done by some good teachers: Micheal, Danny and Nate. So far,… Continue reading…

Bible Training Center – Homiletics

With the Lord’s help we have started the third week of studies at our “Tom Gentry Bible Training Center” here in Zomba. Pastor Keith and brother Micheal are teaching the 16 students Homiletics – this amazing art of preaching! The young men will learn how to prepare and how to… Continue reading…

Gifts for Christmas

Last month we’ve started to raise money for the orphans in Kachere and Mpyupyu, so they can receive a small gift during this Christmas. To date, almost 70% of the amount needed was raised and we do have some promises for later. Praise the Lord for that and thank each… Continue reading…