$3 for education

$3 for education

Last Friday we had the end of year closing ceremony at our Primary School in Kachere. 763 children have been enrolled for the 2018-2019 School Year. It was an amazing day of celebration with a huge attendance: our pupils, their friends and their parents. Sitting there on my chair I… Continue reading…

Ready to recruit teachers!

Hope for the Future Elementary School

The building of our Primary School in Kachere is underway and we are now ready to receive the resumes and recruit its new teachers. Lord willing, we will start next month and provide the much needed education for the children of Kachere and surrounding villages. May God be glorified! Continue reading…

Bursă pentru Collins

Cu puțină vreme în urmă am aflat povestea unui student Malawian care dorește mult să își termine educația, însă pentru care banii sunt o problemă majoră. Numele lui este Collins Anusa, născut într-un sat din Thondwe, localitate aflată la aproximativ 30 de minute de Zomba. Starea financiară a familiei lui… Continue reading…