$3 for education

Last Friday we had the end of year closing ceremony at our Primary School in Kachere. 763 children have been enrolled for the 2018-2019 School Year. It was an amazing day of celebration with a huge attendance: our pupils, their friends and their parents. Sitting there on my chair I… Continue reading…

Ministry Report: May 24 – June 1

Between May 24 and June 1 we had a mission team from Oklahoma, led by Pastor David, who came over to help us and help the ministry in Malawi. This is a list of activities done during that period of time: May 24 – Arrival at Chileka Airport in Blantyre.… Continue reading…

Official Opening & Dedication of Hope for the Future Elementary

Hope for the Future Elementary

Yesterday, December the 7th, we had the Official Opening and Dedication of the Primary School in Kachere, an event highly anticipated by all of us here at Hope for the Future. I have written about the School in Kachere many times and you know how much we prayed for it.… Continue reading…

Bible School & Primary School

Hope For The Future

These are the latest updates on the two main projects we have at this time, Bible School and Primary School: Bible School The Bible School, or Bible Seminary, is being built in Zomba, at the mission house. The project is underway and, recently, the builders and carpenters have put up… Continue reading…

Ready to recruit teachers!

Hope for the Future Elementary School

The building of our Primary School in Kachere is underway and we are now ready to receive the resumes and recruit its new teachers. Lord willing, we will start next month and provide the much needed education for the children of Kachere and surrounding villages. May God be glorified! Continue reading…

Mesajul păstorului Maere

Fratele pastor Maere slujește în biserica din Muheriwa, acolo unde recent am reconstruit clădirea bisericii și am săpat o fântână de apă. De-a lungul anilor, această biserică a rămas credincioasă, fiind chiar un exemplu pentru multe biserici în Malawi care se clatină la cea mai mică adiere de vânt. În… Continue reading…