Ministry Report: May 24 – June 1

Between May 24 and June 1 we had a mission team from Oklahoma, led by Pastor David, who came over to help us and help the ministry in Malawi. This is a list of activities done during that period of time: May 24 – Arrival at Chileka Airport in Blantyre.… Continue reading…

Ministry Report: April 28 – May 8

Between April 28 and May 8 we hosted a mission team sent by First Baptist Church, Jackson, GA. They were led by Pastor Keith Joseph and came to help and minister alongside us in the work in Malawi. This a list of activities done during their trip: April 28 –… Continue reading…

Musafirii din Oklahoma. Raport.

Astăzi dimineață am primit frumosul mesaj cum că echipa pe care am avut-o a ajuns cu bine acasă, după o călătorie de peste 30 de ore. Frații din biserica baptistă Ridgecrest au stat cu noi doar 1 săptămână, și acest lucru deoarece ei au mult de lucru acasă. Chiar înainte… Continue reading…