Water well for Mpyupyu

Water well for Mpyupyu

Imagine your life without access to clean water… Imagine yourself having to wake up early in the morning and walk long distances to the nearest source of water… Imagine the hardships you would have to endure if your access to water was limited solely based on your beliefs… Continue reading…

Ministry updates

Hope for the Future

It has been several months since my last update on this blog. Several factors played a role: time, tiredness, very slow internet, etc, many times all three at the same time. It is now mid-November and we just had our last short term mission team for this year and I… Continue reading…

Hope Baptist Church, Likangala

Hope Baptist Church, Likangala

Today we visited again our church in the village of Likangala and we were blessed to be in fellowship with these sweet Brothers and Sisters of ours and with our Lord. The church service was short because the roof has not been installed yet and the sun was beating down… Continue reading…

Hope Baptist Church, Milepa

Hope Baptist Church, Milepia

Every day is a new experience in Africa, or that is what I keep telling everyone that visits us. Mondays to Saturdays, we find new challenges but it seems like on Sundays, all these challenges have, all of a sudden, new proportions. The devil is fighting hard to discourage us, to slow… Continue reading…

A special day in Muheriwa

Every day in Malawi is special, because every day we have new chances to serve the Lord and serve the people in Malawi in unique and effective ways. When it comes to days like today, a Sunday, the opportunities are even greater as I have the responsibility to open and… Continue reading…

Roxana: 3 weeks

Hope for the Future Orphan Care & Feeding Centre

It is almost 3 weeks ago when Roxana, our new intern, arrived in Malawi to work with Hope for the Future among the people of Malawi. She’s been through a lot of ups and down (especially downs) but, through it all, she knows God is preparing her for the future.… Continue reading…

Do you have a special call to stay home?


Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. The question in the tile of this article was asked by Hudson Taylor, to a room full of people, sometimes towards the late 1800’s, in England. Just like today, in those times many Christians saw foreign missions… Continue reading…

Official Opening & Dedication of Hope for the Future Elementary

Hope for the Future Elementary

Yesterday, December the 7th, we had the Official Opening and Dedication of the Primary School in Kachere, an event highly anticipated by all of us here at Hope for the Future. I have written about the School in Kachere many times and you know how much we prayed for it.… Continue reading…