Official Opening & Dedication of Hope for the Future Elementary

Hope for the Future Elementary

Yesterday, December the 7th, we had the Official Opening and Dedication of the Primary School in Kachere, an event highly anticipated by all of us here at Hope for the Future. I have written about the School in Kachere many times and you know how much we prayed for it.… Continue reading…

Give a Gift of Love

Gift a Gift of Love

Here we are again in that time of the year when everyone is thinking about family, joy, being with the loves ones and gifts, many gifts. We would also like to do something for the orphan children in Kachere and Mpyupyu, just like we did every single year, and we… Continue reading…

Our new intern: Roxana

Hope For The Future

Hope for the Future Baptist Mission in Malawi has recently started an internship program, where young men and women can come for a short period of time in order to observe our ministry and prayerfully consider where God may lead them for the future. The ministry in Malawi is growing fast… Continue reading…

How to grow a baobab tree

Throughout the life of this blog I mentioned the Baobab trees and its fruits several times, although until now everything was only in the Romanian language (sorry my non-Romanian readers 🙃). Despite writing in only one language, the response was quite surprising, Romanians from all over the world writing me… Continue reading…

Hope Baptist Church, Ntangaleya

Hope Baptist Church, Ntangaleya

Yesterday we worshipped our Lord together with our Brothers and Sisters from the village of Ntangaleya. Hope Baptist Church, Ntangaleya, is close to our church in Mpyupyu, and it is amazing to us to see the spread of the Gospel in the surrounding villages. This church was planted in 2009… Continue reading…

BlueZone Ltd. (Malawi) – the real public relations

BlueZone Ltd. (Malawi)

What happens when online retailers makes mistakes in their pricing and customers buy the products? Should they honor the orders or not? If they do honor the order, how will that affect their image? A similar incident happened today with an online retailer in Malawi that sells pumps, solar equipments… Continue reading…

Bible School & Primary School

Hope For The Future

These are the latest updates on the two main projects we have at this time, Bible School and Primary School: Bible School The Bible School, or Bible Seminary, is being built in Zomba, at the mission house. The project is underway and, recently, the builders and carpenters have put up… Continue reading…