How to grow a baobab tree

Throughout the life of this blog I mentioned the Baobab trees and its fruits several times, although until now everything was only in the Romanian language (sorry my non-Romanian readers 🙃). Despite writing in only one language, the response was quite surprising, Romanians from all over the world writing me… Continue reading…

Hope Baptist Church, Ntangaleya

Hope Baptist Church, Ntangaleya

Yesterday we worshipped our Lord together with our Brothers and Sisters from the village of Ntangaleya. Hope Baptist Church, Ntangaleya, is close to our church in Mpyupyu, and it is amazing to us to see the spread of the Gospel in the surrounding villages. This church was planted in 2009… Continue reading…

Bible School & Primary School

Hope For The Future

These are the latest updates on the two main projects we have at this time, Bible School and Primary School: Bible School The Bible School, or Bible Seminary, is being built in Zomba, at the mission house. The project is underway and, recently, the builders and carpenters have put up… Continue reading…

Ready to recruit teachers!

Hope for the Future Elementary School

The building of our Primary School in Kachere is underway and we are now ready to receive the resumes and recruit its new teachers. Lord willing, we will start next month and provide the much needed education for the children of Kachere and surrounding villages. May God be glorified! Continue reading…

Extending the church in Kachere

Hope Baptist Church in Kachere is the first church that we planted here in Malawi, back in 2010. I remember even now, we started with a handful of people that left a perverted church, seeking to please the Lord despite the ridicule from other people. In Malawi, a church without a… Continue reading…

Work on Bible School continues…

Hope for the Future’s Bible Seminary in Zomba will train national pastors and send them to the villages of Malawi, for the purpose of planting churches and reaching people for Christ. We have now resumed the work on the building, the roof being the part that will be put up.… Continue reading…